How Important is a Cover Letter blog post by Christy Noel

How Important Is a Cover Letter?

As you get ready to apply for a great new job, you may be asking yourself, “Is a cover letter really necessary?”


I get it. Writing a cover letter is time-consuming. And it’s not like any of us has extra time on our hands these days. So, it’s easy to fall into a trap of thinking that if no one is going to read it anyway, you’ll use that time for something else.


Don’t fall into that trap!


From a hiring manager’s perspective, a cover letter is extremely important. You wouldn’t apply for a job without sending a resume, right? Think of the cover letter the same way. Don’t ever consider applying for a job without including a cover letter. You need to include a cover letter, even if you’ve been told you don’t need one.


To learn more, read “Why You Need a Cover Letter Even if You are Told You Don’t” and “5 Components of a Cover Letter (with a Cover Letter Sample!)


Why is a cover letter so important?


A cover letter is important because it provides you the opportunity to create a narrative around your candidacy and why you are perfect for the job. A good cover letter can do this more effectively than a resume can.


Here are a few ways a cover letter is important:


Spotlights Most Relevant Experience

A cover letter should not be a regurgitation of your resume. A good cover letter puts the spotlight on the most relevant experience that makes you an ideal candidate. You can use a cover letter to focus on several key requirements of the position and drill down into your experience with them. Provide examples of what you’ve done that is exactly in line with these key responsibilities and share your results to demonstrate you’ve successfully mastered these skills.


Shows You Understand the Position

A cover letter is a great opportunity to show the hiring manager you understand the challenges she is facing and why you are the best one to take them on, resolve them, alleviate her concerns and remove them from her ever-growing to-do list. With a cover letter, you can share how you have worked at companies with similar challenges and how your projects directly helped the department become more effective, efficient, larger, and successful.


Conveys Your Personality

A cover letter is the best way, before getting an interview, to convey your personality. Corporate culture is extremely important. Finding a candidate who is a cultural fit is as important, if not more important, than the experience he or she brings to the company. Include some of your personality in your cover letter so the hiring manager or recruiter gets a feel for you. Do not, however, try to come across as someone you are not in order to appear a good candidate. The hiring manager will figure that out pretty quickly once he or she meets you! And really, do you want to work at a company that’s not a cultural fit? That never works long-term for either party.


Addresses Potential Concerns

Cover letters are the perfect place to address head-on any potential concerns the hiring manager may have about your application. Use your cover letter to address relocation issues and why you are applying for a job that is several hundred miles away from where you currently live. Do you have gaps in your employment? A cover letter provides you a great opportunity to explain any gaps by sharing what you did during this time and showing you were active throughout the gap.


Demonstrates You Take the Extra Step

Anyone can click “apply” and attach their resume or LinkedIn profile to a job posting. By taking the time to craft a cover letter specifically for that position, you are telling the hiring manager it’s important to you. It lets the hiring manager know you are willing to put in the time and attention to detail to do things right. These are desirable qualities in a new employee.


To me, there is no questioning the importance of a cover letter. It enables you to write a compelling case for your candidacy and shows how you are going to shine in the roll if hired. So, don’t miss out on this opportunity and always include a cover letter.


Yes, a cover letter really is important.


For more tips: how to write a cover letter that grabs attention and 5 components of a cover letter (with a cover letter sample!). And then read why submitting your resume through standard online channels isn’t enough to get you an interview.

To learn more:

How to Write a Cover Letter That Grabs Attention

Submitting Your Resume Online Isn’t Enough to Get You an Interview

5 Creative Cover Letter Openings with Example Sentences 

How to Send a Cover Letter