5 Components of a cover letter

5 Components of a Cover Letter (with a Cover Letter Example)

Cover Letter Example of the Essential Components of a Cover Letter


I took a songwriting class once.


I had visions of being a Grammy-winning lyricist, even if I did not have the requisite talent.


The only thing holding me back, in my mind, was that I didn’t know anything about songwriting. So, I did what any good student would do. I took a class.


I signed up for a weekly songwriting class at UCLA (through their Extension program, not a credited course at the university).


Early on the instructor went through all the components of a song. A song needs to open with this, then transition to that, have a hook, include a chorus, be sure it has x, more of y, and don’t include z.


Wait! What?! How was I supposed to remember all this while I was writing profound and memorable lyrics that were going to move people and get my song stuck in their head incessantly like a CD stuck on repeat??


My head was spinning.


“Just show me the template for a good song and let me run with it!”, I thought.


Finally, the instructor did give us templates and samples for a well-written song. I could now look at the song template and write my own lyrics following a similar pattern.


And then, writing the lyrics for a song became (relatively) easy!


I wrote the lyrics, my partners wrote the music, we recorded it, and viola, I was a songwriter.


So, I know the importance of a good template.


I’m going to share with you the components of a cover letter, but more importantly, I’ve also got a cover letter template for you to use.


But first, including a cover letter when you submit your resume is a required, not optional, aspect of applying for a job. If you are still on the fence about whether to include a cover letter, please read:


5 Components of a Cover Letter

There are several key components that should be included in every cover letter:


1. Compelling Opening that Grabs Attention

Assume the hiring manager or recruiter reading your cover letter has over a hundred, maybe even several hundred to get through. That’s not an unrealistic assumption. So, make sure your opening grabs their attention and wakes them up from the monotony of reviewing resumes.


Don’t simply state the position you are applying, why you are excited about the role, or worse, a generic opening that doesn’t provide any real information.


Focus on what you can deliver the company, not what’s in it for you. In your cover letter opening, state your relevant experience or what you are known for and why it makes you a perfect fit for the position and will exceed expectations. If you were referred by a professional colleague, share that and why the person recommended you apply for the position. A referral is a great way to let others brag about you!


Be sure to include descriptive words and set the tone that you are not a typical candidate with a standard approach. You are unique, uniquely qualified, and will deliver results!


For more, read 5 Creative Cover Letter Openings & Examples


2. Keywords from the Job Description

In paragraph two, if you haven’t already, start to include a few the of keywords or key phrases from the job description.


This is important if the company is using an applicant tracking system or other form of keyword searching to determine if you are qualified. It’s likely they are, and you won’t know for sure, so assume they are and include keywords from the job description throughout your cover letter and resume.


Select the keywords or phrases that appear to be the highest priority for the role and those you have the most relevant experience in. You don’t want to “keyword stuff” your cover letter by using the same keyword so many times it doesn’t read authentically. But you do want to use the main keywords more than once in your cover letter.


3. Results and Achievements

A lot of candidates will tell, in both cover letter and resume, about the experience they have that will enable them to succeed in the role. Stand out from other candidates by showing how you will deliver results.


Using your keywords from the job description, include your results and achievements that support them. Let the accomplishments in current and past positions validate how you add value. The reader will immediately see you have proven results that will enable you to succeed in the new role.


One way of doing this is to include bullet points of the most important required skills or responsibilities of the position. Then, include a few words on your work experience related to them, but most importantly the results of your activities.


Your achievements should be quantifiable and include the metrics of how they were measured (numbers, percentages, dollars) so the reader will understand the value you added at your previous companies and how it will be applicable to the new role.


4. Soft Skills

Once you’ve included your hard skills in the body of your cover letter (with corresponding success metrics) you can focus on your soft skills.


Soft skills are the personal attributes, personality traits, and communication skills required to perform the role. Soft skills characterize how you engage and interact with others.


The soft skills you include in your cover letter should be ones listed in the job description, assuming you have those skills, of course. Here is your opportunity to let some of your personality shine and share what is unique about you that will enable you to perform this position better than anyone else.


Better than simply listing your soft skills, share a story of how you’ve used them effectively in a specific situation or quote what people say about your soft skills. Paint a picture of your soft skills in action so the reader will trust there is truthfulness in your statements and not just a list of desired skills they are looking for. Plus, it gives further insight into your personality and ability to nail the job!


5. Proactive Close

Now it’s time for the big finale! Writing an effective, interesting, and memorable close can be challenging, but don’t lose focus or get lazy now! You are so close to completing your great cover letter!


Your cover letter close should be professional, confident, and customized to the role and company. The close is your opportunity to show you are a go-getter who is excited about pursuing the opportunity and have the desired experience to excel in the role.


You don’t want it to be passive and sound like you are sitting back waiting to hear from them. Instead, be direct in your enthusiasm for the role and desire to follow up or take the next steps in the hiring process.


If you have the contact information to directly follow up with a person, then say so, and do it (do not say you will if you have no plans or capability to follow up with them)! If you do not have the information to reach out directly to follow up on your application, then include a proactive statement that assumes you will be talking to them about the role, but don’t be cocky. I always like, “I look forward to further exploring how I can increase [key responsibility of position] for [Company Name].”


Cover Letter Template

Now, on to that cover letter template I promised you! If you take all the cover letter components I just outlined and put them all together, you get a cover letter that looks something like this:


Hi [Name],

My specialty is driving marketing programs that grow B2B tech companies. I have driven advertising and lead generation activities for startup SaaS companies, where I created big results with limited resources. I am excited about the prospect of generating big results for [Company Name] as the [Position Title].

Throughout my career, I have managed complex marketing initiatives and achieved exceptional, rather than expected, results. For example, I developed a digital media campaign that increased leads 22% within three months and directed social media programs that boosted engagement 125% in six months.  Other aspects of my background that will enable me to successfully lead [Company Name]’s marketing initiatives:

  • Drive Digital Marketing: Strategize and manage digital marketing programs including SEM, SEO, social media, landing pages, retargeting, and content marketing. In one-year, increased SEM leads 150% while decreasing CPL by 26%.
  • Generate Leads: Launch and manage multiple lead generating campaigns incorporating Google Ads, retargeting, email, Facebook ads, webinars, ebooks, infographics and native advertising. Enhanced email marketing leads by 33%, boosted digital media leads by 45%, and exceeded budget for annual leads by 18%.
  • Create Engagement: Write marcom, press releases, video scripts, emails, and corporate communications. Wrote a direct marketing piece that sold out all product (7,000 units/$1.5 million revenue) within one week and delayed launch until more was available.
  • Analyze Results: Evaluate programs and measure ROI and KPIs; A/B test landing pages; review performance analytics; and manage market research. Identified customer onboarding issues that resulted in over $5 million in additional revenue.


I establish and build a company’s brand, formulate the marketing strategy, and execute tactical plans. I am hands-on in execution, wear multiple hats, and deliver results without large support teams or resources. I am known for getting things done in fast-paced startup environments. One of my greatest strengths is the ability to build and manage teams within and outside the company.

The [Position Title] at [Company Name] is in direct alignment with my experience, skills, and strengths. I look forward to exploring the opportunity to lead and grow the company’s marketing initiatives to unparalleled success.

Warm regards,


[Email address]

[Phone number]


Download This Cover Letter Example


My Songwriting Career

As for my songwriting, there is no Grammy on the mantle (yet). In fact, so far, that one song is the only one I’ve written. But I’ve got a lot of songs half-written just waiting to be finished one day. And you can bet when that time comes, I’ll be pulling out templates for a hit song and using them!


Grab a copy of my Cover Letter eBook for free and you’ll get all this information and more to write an effective cover letter to help you get noticed and get interviews.