5 ways to network over the holidays

5 Ways to Network Over the Holidays 

How to Network Over the Holidays (that’s not Icky or Dreadful)

Raise your hand if when you think of networking you visualize walking into a room full of strangers, approaching them (sweaty palmed) to introduce yourself, spending a few minutes on small talk and then (wham) asking for a favor.


Good news! Networking doesn’t have to be that yucky. And it can still be really effective! 

Now that we are in the throws of the holiday season (anyone else asking how that happened?!), here are some simple and non-icky ways you can be networking now to cultivate those connections for 2021.

1. Send Holiday Greetings

Whether it’s via email, card, phone, text, social media or LinkedIn, reach out to people within your network to wish them a happy holiday and/or happy new year. It doesn’t have to be a long message, but it should feel genuine and not completely canned (i.e. write a little more than “Happy Holidays, from Christy”)!

2. Make Connections on LinkedIn

Will you be looking for a new job in 2021? Wanting to get a foot in the door of your dream company? Expanding your sales territory? Or need to broaden your skill set? Connect with people now who can help you achieve your goals in 2021. Send a connection request through LinkedIn and be sure to add a personal note that is upbeat, friendly and casual. Don’t ask for anything, just a brief explanation of why you want to connect is all that is needed. (“I am looking forward to working with Acme Company in 2020 and would love to connect with you.”)

3. Request Informational Interviews

Yes, it’s a busy time of year, but many executives and managers cut back their travel and meetings become less frequent during the holidays, so this can be a good time to request an informational interviews. Make the request sound casual, festive and not too time consuming (“Hi Joe, I am interested in expanding my marketing skills. Since this is your area of expertise, I am hoping you will have time in the next few weeks to answer 5 questions while we enjoy a  peppermint mocha (my treat!) or over a video or phone call (and we can share a virtual cup!)”

Download my free ebook Your Complete Guide to Informational Interviews for all you need to know about getting and conducting informational interviews, including templates to request them. 

4. Ask for References

Asking for a reference is a great way to subtly let your contacts know you are, or will be, making a change. Reach out now to the people you will want to act as your references in 2021. Ask them if, when the time comes in your job search, it would be OK to use them as a reference. Not only will you build your list of references, you will create a list of contacts willing to help you in your job search and likely keep you in mind for potential openings.

5. Talk to Strangers

It’s a festive time of year and one where we often find ourselves standing in lines waiting. Take advantage of the downtime and holiday merriment by striking up a conversation while you are waiting to pick up food, shopping, getting coffee, or hanging at the dog park. You just never know who you may meet and how your paths may cross down the road until you smile and say that first “happy holidays.”

Networking doesn’t have to be “work” but it is a necessary part of being successful at work. So, my challenge to you is to implement at least one of these holiday networking ideas. 

Pick at least one idea you will (actually) do and get going! You have 3 weeks left in 2020 to work it! Use the last three weeks of this decade to help ensure you have an amazing start to the new decade!  (Again, seriously, how did THAT happen?)  

Then leave a comment and let me know which networking idea you will be implementing. I can’t wait to hear your plans!


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