13 Feb What is Career Success?
What is the definition of career success? I sign off my weekly email by toasting to “your career success.” What exactly do I mean by “career success?” Am I referring to a fancy title and a corner office? A big paycheck? Running a corporation? Owning your own business? Or, managing thousands of employees? Nope. Not necessarily. But, then again, maybe.
You see, career success is not defined by me, the dictionary, your boss, a billionaire, or even, society. Your career success is defined solely by YOU. YOU decide what success looks like. And, YOU determine if you achieve it. Career success for you may mean a seat at the executive management table. On the other hand, it may be defined as having a flexible schedule to spend more time with your family. It could mean working from home and not having to commute or only working a few days a week. Maybe it is having a job you love, working with good people, or knowing the work you are performing has meaning.
Career success can also be simply having a job. There are many people these days defining career success as having a steady paycheck. I get that, that’s been me too! Career success is fluid. Whatever your definition of career success is today, it will change throughout your career and life. Heck, it can change within a year or a few months! You may find yourself suddenly out of a job. You may also achieve your biggest career goal, only to discover it’s not what you thought or want. And if you find yourself in these unfortunate situations, you will redefine what career success means to you and go after it again. And, that’s OK! No one says you have to pursue the same dream throughout your career. Remember, you define your career path. You define your success.
I started my career-driven to be a television anchor. Spoiler alert, I’m not currently a television anchor. Does that mean I failed? No, it means my career path changed, and that’s OK too. My definition of career success continued to change throughout my career. At one point I defined my own success as a bigger title and paycheck, another time it was working for a company where I felt I was making a positive impact. These days, it’s helping more people advance their careers.
Whatever your current definition of career success, keep taking steps, big and small, toward it. Achieving the success you desire in your career isn’t fast or easy, but it is rewarding and gratifying. And when you achieve it, you’ll redefine it again and strive for something new.
As you progress toward your career success, whatever it is, always know I am here helping, supporting, and rooting you on to achieve it.
Here’s to your career success.
PS: What is the definition of career success you are working toward? I would be honored if you would share it with me.
Have career questions? Send them my way so I can address them.
Looking for help managing your career? Take a look at Your Personal Career Coach. You’ll refer to it throughout your career. Trust me, you will.
Trying to find a job? Check out Your Career Survival Guide. It was written for today’s job seeker.